There are several ways to attract buyers and create quality traffic. The National Association of Realtors conducted a study to see what works and what doesn't. The surprising part of the study revealed that the techniques that worked, cost very little money. The ideas that didn't work were the ones that you would think that were effective - like Sunday morning newspaper advertising, radio,, billboards etc. What was most effective was good looking signage, a broker's network of associates, prospects, and hard work.
Tip #2: Getting Top Dollar In Today's Market:
An elusive subject because of its subjectivity to your competition. One person's dream, another's dog. Always start with a fresh coat of paint on the front door/trim and the interior walls. You come closer to getting your money back with paint and landscaping than anything else. Eliminate clutter. It's easier to dream when there's less to see.
Tip #3: Know Your Legal Obligations When Selling Your Home and Minimize Your Risk:
In one simple statement, TELL THE TRUTH!!!! There have been more lawsuits because of Sellers lying just a little on material defects that they know about their houses, but did not disclose to the Buyer. Realtors have access to all the forms you need to enjoy a problem-free transaction. Don't hide problems. If Buyers find them during inspections, they'll know you've lied. If they find your problem afterwards, you lose in court.
Tip #4: How You Should Approach Selling Your Home And Current Home Selling Strategies:
Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) should always be the focus. When there is less to look at, it is easier to make a decision. Think about when you last bought a car or piece of jewellery. Smart retailers keep the clutter down and the buying environment pleasant. Don't underestimate the power of the smell of cookies or scented candles, background music and alternate lighting. In one simple statement: SELL THE DREAM!!!
Tip #5: How Much You Should Spend and How You Should Spend It Before Selling Your Home:
Try to keep your improvements to cosmetic upgrades unless there are glaring capital improvements to be made. Paint and landscaping dollars spent will almost always be returned to you in the form of a higher sales price or a quicker sale. Additionally, new light switch covers, regrouting tile surfaces, buffing or refinishing hardwoods and wall papering selected rooms are other great ideas. Concentrate on the icing, not the cake!!!
Tip #6: The Importance Of Real Estate Market Conditions:
The value of your home is based on what Buyers are willing to pay for it.. Values rise or fall based on the number of buyers in the market.
Tip #7: Using A Realtor - How To Choose One:
There is a great value in using a Realtor and I have seen limited success at doing it yourself. The problems arise in co-ordination, what you say and when, disclosure and solving Buyer's inspection issues - All are possible legal entanglements for the Seller or even worse, not selling the house. There is a Seller's Report that has 15 questions you should ask every Realtor you interview.
Tip #8: Selling Your Home Within The First 60 Days:
Presentation is everything. Buyers are in your home for only 15 - 20 minutes. Do everything you can for a memorable impression, so they will come back for a second look. People remember landscaping, so go buy some seasonal colour. Mow and edge frequently. That's the last thing they see when they leave too. Price is everything. You have to be priced within reasonable limits. If not, you'll sit on the market in the best of times. Paint is cheap. Buy neutral (not crimson red, etc.). If you must upgrade, start in the bathrooms and kitchen with the plumbing and light fixtures. Only when you stir the emotions in a prospective buyer, will you see a purchase offer. Again, seek out the help of professionals who make their living selling, decorating or designing homes.
Tip #9: The Keys To Multiple Contracts And A Quick Sale:
The idea to remember, here, is to create URGENCY. This is such an important ingredient in the sales process, it can't be underestimated. Car dealers create urgency by showing a limited number of the best selling cars. Doctors create urgency by giving you the bad news quickly. Retailers do it by having a 1-day SALE......Better hurry while stocks last!!! In real estate, where you have an abundance of rooftops, generating visible traffic creates that urgency. The best way to do it is with Open Houses and Signage. With directional signs that point to your property and Open Houses, prospective Buyers bump into other prospective buyers. Amazingly, when one buyer starts speaking in the 1st person possessive, someone else wants to beat them to it.
Tip #10: The Importance Of Getting Your Home Into Showing Shape:
This really falls in the category of fine-tuning. After the walls have been painted, the hardwood refinished, carpets cleaned, etc., time should be spent on setting the stage for the perfect showing - EVERY TIME! Your efforts should be directed on appealing to your Buyers' five senses - SMELL - Cookies or bread in the oven, candles or potpourri. TASTE - If it's a hot day, make some lemonade or have some of those cookies for your buyers. SIGHT - You should have taken care of this before. HEARING - Always have some soft background music playing. TOUCH - All wood surfaces should be polished; no dust and always have your best pillows, linens and furniture displayed. Buyers are in your house for only a short period of time. The message you want to convey is that you want them to love your home as much as you do!!