Monday, 5 November 2012
Feeding The Soul - The Key To Making Your Dreams Come True
We all feel a hunger sometimes to feed our souls. When I started working in Real Estate, I realised how different it was to be working for myself. I was no longer surrounded by people and acquaintances and friends. Of course there were other realtors in my office, but each of them were busy with their own lives and work.
Soon my heart was hungering for more than work. I needed to motivate myself more than ever and feed my soul with energy and strength to keep going. I started looking for something, not knowing exactly what. All I knew was that I needed more to continue. Life could not possibly be about working all the time. All I could think about was work. It was a shadow following me everywhere I went. If I had a weekend off, I felt guilty. My brain was consumed with ways to make a living, and constantly.
Little by little I found out that I needed to re-energize my soul, if I needed to be happy with both my personal life and career. About a year after I became a realtor, I went back home for Christmas, but when I came back, I was just as tired as when I left. I knew I had to continue working. I loved Real Estate, but I was always worrying about the smallest things. Then I came across an e-book by the name of 'The Science Of Getting Rich'. This book was a Godsend to me. It was a hard read at first. I had to take my time reading it, but it started to dawn on me that we can have anything we want in life, if we changed our thoughts. Above all else, I learnt that if one is truly happy, one can have everything one desires, as long as they were good thoughts.
I read this book over and over, and shared it with many people whom I knew needed this in their lives also. I gave it to my husband and friends. It dawned on me that we as human beings have control over our own destinies, instead of leaving life to trial and error. I realised that the power of thought is indeed an incredible, incredible thing. We just have to keep exercising it and training it in the right direction.
After a while I came across 'The Secret'. This book took me further and further into another realm of discovery. I kept wanting to give more of this new discovery to other people I knew. As time went by I started reading the most incredible book anyone can read - "The Master Key System". This book was written by Charles F Haanel and published as a correspondence course in 1912.
You cannot read this book as a book. Hence the reason for it first being a correspondence course. It consists of 24 chapters and must be read one chapter at a time. At the end of each chapter, you are given an exercise to carry out and until you can master the assigned exercise, you should not go on to the next chapter. I know, you don't think you have the time for this sort of thing......but if you value the quality of your life, you will make this investment in yourself.
It took me 6 months to read and digest it. It was not easy at first. Then it dawned on me that making my dreams come true was a journey and an investment in myself. My life is too precious just to go about it and stressing out as I went.
I wanted to be happy and grateful for every moment I had and loving life every day. What I learnt from all this is that we make our own happiness. Never depend on someone else to make you happy. No one knows what will make you happy. Even we are sometimes confused about our own happiness, so how can we expect someone else to know what ours souls are craving for?
The key to success and happiness is being grateful every second of the day for every blessing we have in our lives, no matter how small we think it is. Just being able to wake up every morning and have that perfect health is something to be eternally grateful for. Or witness the miracle of the sun rising every morning. Giving a smile to someone we meet on the bus or train. Even if that other person did not return your smile, he may have been caught off-guard at the time. Seeing that each person has more good than bad within them. Just keep looking for only the good and it will come to you. The Law of Attraction states that what ever you feel and think, it will come back to you in that same proportion as your thoughts and emotions.
There is a saying - Thoughts Become Things, Choose The Good Ones - You want to be aware of this at all times. Just keep thinking good things and only good things will come back to you. If someone has hurt you, bless that person with finding true happiness and move on. Dwelling on what that person has done to you will only bring you down. Keep going forward and keep thinking good thoughts and keep being grateful for everything you have in your life. And believe it or not, only good things will start coming to you.
Start loving life and start expecting God or The Universe or The Higher Energy to give you the best that life has to offer, and everything will start falling in place. For me it would have been difficult to start this journey if I had come across a blog telling me about it, like I am doing to each one of you reading it. So go on Amazon and buy one of these or go to The Secret website - and there are so many ebooks you can download for free.
I also love to listen to YouTube videos by Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer, or Les Brown. They have been given the rare gift of motivating others. During my lunch breaks, I tune into one of these videos and immerse myself in their knowledge and wisdom.
Invest in yourself, for all it is worth. You owe it to yourself to be the best that you can possibly be. To realise your true potential and know that we can all be whatever we choose to be. God or The Universe will open doors for us we didn't know existed.
Don't rush life along, understand that it is a quiet journey that will get you where you want to go. Ask God for whatever your heart desires, intend for it to happen, believe and have unwavering faith that you will get it and continue knowing with a passion that will blow your mind away.
Life is too beautiful to let it fall by the wayside. The Universe brought you into this world for a reason. Find your purpose in life and follow it until you have accomplished it.
FOLLOW YOUR HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Radha Diaram
Re/Max Real Estate Centre Inc.
Friday, 2 November 2012
Set Your Clocks Back
Hello Friends,
It's that time again when we sneak an extra hour from nature and get to do whatever we choose to do with it. Make the most of it and have a great weekend.
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