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Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Christmas Movies

I'm a romantic, sentimental old sod, if I may say so myself.  When December comes along each year, I get hungry for romantic, mushy Christmas movies.  Every night after dinner, I station myself in front of the TV and take in a good movie.  So, if you are like me, here are some of them that I love looking at:

1) Christmas Magic
2) Borrowed Hearts
3) The Christmas Shoes
4) Holiday in Handcuffs
5) Mrs. Miracle
6) Miracle in Manhattan
7) Mistletoe in Manhattan

And when New Years Day roll around, I end this wonderful season looking at the classic 'The Sound of Music'. 

What more can I ask for at this time of the year.  I love it!!!!


Radha Diaram
ReMax Real Estate Centre Inc.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Funny Christmas Stories - 2

Penultimate Day of Term before the Christmas Holiday

'Today we'll relax a little and play a spelling game before we break up for the Christmas holidays,' says Mrs Paisley, the primary schoolteacher. Each of you will stand up, tell us your name, what your father does, spell what your father does, and then explain it to us. All right, Jack, you can go first.'
Jack stands up and says, 'My name's Jack. My father is a builder, b-u-i-l-d-e-r, and he helps to put up homes.' Funny Christmas Snow Women
Mrs Paisley says, 'Very good. All right, Dominic, your turn.'
Dominic stands says, 'My name's Dominic. My father's a pharmacist, f-a-m... f-a-r-n... f-n...'
The teacher, Mrs Paisley, says, 'Dominic, you go home tonight and learn how to spell pharmacist. All right, Bobby.'
Bobby stands up and says, 'My name's Bobby. My old man is a bookie, b-o-o-k-i-e, and if he was here, he'd give you five to two odds Dominic won't spell pharmacist by tomorrow.'


Clean But Amusing Angel Jokes

  • Mindy aged 8. 'I only know the names of one angel, he's called Herald.' Mommy sings to me the Christmas Carol:
    Hark! The Herald angel sings.
  • Peter aged 7. 'Angels don't eat much, but they drink a lot of milk from Holy Cows.'
  • Veronica aged 8. 'I don't understand about angels; why when a girl fancies a boy, they get an angel to shoot arrows at him.
  • Bert aged 25. 'My wife's an angel'.
    Don aged 57. 'You're lucky, mine is still alive'.

Another Good Angel JokeFunny angel jokes

Just before Christmas God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the evil that was going on. He decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out. So he called one of His best angels and sent the angel to Earth for a time. When she returned she told God, yes it is bad on Earth, 95% is bad and 5% is good.
Well, he thought for a moment and said, maybe I had better send down a second angel to get another point of view. So God called another angel and sent her to Earth for a time too. When the angel returned she went to God and told him yes, the Earth was in decline, 95% was bad and 5% was good.
God said this was not good. So He decided to email the 5% that were good and He wanted to encourage them, give them a little something to help them keep going.
Do you know what that email said?
Ah, so you didn't get one either?

Radha Diaram
ReMax Real Estate Centre Inc.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Feeding The Soul - The Key To Making Your Dreams Come True

We all feel a hunger sometimes to feed our souls.  When I started working in Real Estate, I realised how different it was to be working for myself.  I was no longer surrounded by people and acquaintances and friends.  Of course there were other realtors in my office, but each of them were busy with their own lives and work.

Soon my heart was hungering for more than work.  I needed to motivate myself more than ever and feed my soul with energy and strength to keep going.  I started looking for something, not knowing exactly what.  All I knew was that I needed more to continue.  Life could not possibly be about working all the time.  All I could think about was work.  It was a shadow following me everywhere I went.  If I had a weekend off, I felt guilty.  My brain was consumed with ways to make a living, and constantly. 

Little by little I found out that I needed to re-energize my soul, if I needed to be happy with both my personal life and career.  About a year after I became a realtor, I went back home for Christmas, but when I came back, I was just as tired as when I left.  I knew I had to continue working.  I loved Real Estate, but I was always worrying about the smallest things.  Then I came across an e-book by the name of  'The Science Of Getting Rich'.  This book was a Godsend to me.  It was a hard read at first.  I had to take my time reading it, but it started to dawn on me that we can have anything we want in life, if we changed our thoughts.  Above all else, I learnt that if one is truly happy, one can have everything one desires, as long as they were good thoughts. 

I read this book over and over, and shared it with many people whom I knew needed this in their lives also.  I gave it to my husband and friends.  It dawned on me that we as human beings have control over our own destinies, instead of leaving life to trial and error.  I realised that the power of thought is indeed an incredible, incredible thing.  We just have to keep exercising it and training it in the right direction.

After a while I came across 'The Secret'.  This book took me further and further into another realm of discovery.   I kept wanting to give more of this new discovery to other people I knew.  As time went by I  started reading the most incredible book anyone can read - "The Master Key System".  This book was written by Charles F Haanel and published as a correspondence course in 1912.

You cannot read this book as a book.  Hence the reason for it first being a correspondence course.  It consists of 24 chapters and must be read one chapter at a time.  At the end of each chapter, you are given an exercise to carry out and until you can master the assigned exercise, you should not go on to the next chapter.  I know, you don't think you have the time for this sort of thing......but if you value the quality of your life, you will make this investment in yourself. 

It took me 6 months to read and digest it.  It was not easy at first.  Then it dawned on me that making my dreams come true was a journey and an investment in myself.  My life is too precious just to go about it and stressing out as I went. 

I wanted to be happy and grateful for every moment I had and loving life every day.  What I learnt from all this is that we make our own happiness.  Never depend on someone else to make you happy.  No one knows what will make you happy.  Even we are sometimes confused about our own happiness, so how can we expect someone else to know what ours souls are craving for?

The key to success and happiness is being grateful every second of the day for every blessing we have in our lives, no matter how small we think it is.  Just being able to wake up every morning and have that perfect health is something to be eternally grateful for.  Or witness the miracle of the sun rising every morning.  Giving a smile to someone we meet on the bus or train.  Even if that other person did not return your smile, he may have been caught off-guard at the time.  Seeing that each person has more good than bad within them.  Just keep looking for only the good and it will come to you.  The Law of Attraction states that what ever you feel and think, it will come back to you in that same proportion as your thoughts and emotions.

There is a saying - Thoughts Become Things, Choose The Good Ones -  You want to be aware of this at all times.  Just keep thinking good things and only good things will come back to you.  If someone has hurt you, bless that person  with finding true happiness and move on.  Dwelling on what that person has done to you will only bring you down.  Keep going forward and keep thinking good thoughts and keep being grateful for everything you have in your life.  And believe it or not, only good things will start coming to you. 

Start loving life and start expecting God or The Universe or The Higher Energy to give you the best that life has to offer, and everything will start falling in place.  For me it would have been difficult to start this journey if I had come across a blog telling me about it, like I am doing to each one of you reading it.  So go on Amazon and buy one of these or go to The Secret website - and there are so many ebooks you can download for free. 

I also love to listen to YouTube videos by Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer, or Les Brown.  They have been given the rare gift of motivating others.  During my lunch breaks, I tune into one of these videos and immerse myself in their knowledge and wisdom.

Invest in yourself, for all it is worth.  You owe it to yourself to be the best that you can possibly be.  To realise your true potential and know that we can all be whatever we choose to be.  God or The Universe will open doors for us we didn't know existed. 

Don't rush life along, understand that it is a quiet journey that will get you where you want to go.  Ask God for whatever your heart desires, intend for it to happen, believe and have unwavering faith that you will get it and continue knowing with a passion that will blow your mind away. 

Life is too beautiful to let it fall by the wayside. The Universe brought you into this world for a reason.  Find your purpose in life and follow it until you have accomplished it.

FOLLOW YOUR HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Radha Diaram
Re/Max Real Estate Centre Inc.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Set Your Clocks Back

Hello Friends,

It's that time again when we sneak an extra hour from nature and get to do whatever we choose to do with it.  Make the most of it and have a great weekend. 

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Man On The Street - What Residents Of Dufferin County Are Saying About Living Here

Last week I met  a really cute couple - Roy and Quty - and yes, her name is pronounced like Cutie.
Both Roy and Quty lived in Brampton for about 40 years -  a long time, but went to the States and lived there for a while, however, they liked living here in Canada more than the States, so eventually moved back here. 
Roy's brother-in-law lived in Dufferin County and so persuaded both Roy and Quty to move here.  They found that Brampton was just too crowded and decided to move out here and love it so far.

I spoke to Linda as well and she lives in Melancthon.  Has been there for the past 26 years.  Bought a farm then and wanted to move away from city life in Brampton.  Even though she says the job market is not great out there, she loves the peaceful, quiet life.  She admits it is definitely a better place to bring up your kids and much friendlier than in the bigger cities.

Doreen was full of energy and adventure.  She moved from South Simcoe about 3 years ago and just hasn't looked back.  She wanted to downsize, but is a pretty active person and found that instead of wanting to go to a sleepy town, she found that Orangeville offers lots of opportunities to mingle and get involved in clubs and volunteering activities.  She loves all the non-stop fun this lovely town offers.  Way to go Linda!!!!!!

Last, but not least, I spoke to Sarah.  Sarah has two handsome boys, Jack and Charlie.  She moved to Mono about 15 years ago and likes the fact that there are lots of recreation in and around where they live.  She believes that one must have a great balance between work and play and is happy that they can do both in such a wonderful environment.

It was great talking to such amazing and enthusiastic people.  Tune in for more next week, but before you go, scroll down for my joke of the week:

Category: Holiday Jokes
One Halloween a man was walking down the street and heard a thumping noise behind him. Looking behind him he saw a coffin following him, upright. He was a bit nervous and began walking a little bit faster. The coffin continued, "thumpety thump, thumpety thump". He began running and the coffin kept up and began opening and closing, ""thumpety thump, thumpety thump clap, "thumpety thump, thumpety thump clap". Terrified he ran to his front door, and went inside, slamming the door and locking it. The coffin continued, "thumpety thump, thumpety thump - CRASH" it came right through the door, He ran up the stairs, and right behind him, "thumpety thump, thumpety thump clap, "thumpety thump, thumpety thump clap". He rushed into the bathroom and slammed the door, but the coffin broke through the door - "thumpety thump, thumpety thump crash". Terrified the man grabbed the first thing he could, a bottle of robutusin and threw it - and the coffin stopped!
Heeheehee - I know, it's a little corny, but still a joke.  I tried!!!


Radha Diaram
ReMax Real Estate Centre Inc.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Man On The Street - What Residents Are Saying About Living In Dufferin County

Every week I take a walk somewhere in Dufferin County and chat with some good, down to earth, friendly folks.  It is the highlight of my week and I find that I learn so much from talking to them, that I decided to start a weekly blog.  I'm featuring five (5) residents who presently live in Dufferin County, whether it is Orangeville, Mono, Amaranth, Grand Valley, East Garafraxa, Shelburne or Mulmur.

Here's what these 5 residents had to say about living here:

Margy has been living here in Orangeville for the past 32 years.  She moved from Toronto and says she loves the small town living.  She likes that it's not very crowded and the people are friendlier.  She may move to Shelburne later on.

Sandro lives in Mono and has been here for 10 years.  Before that he lived in Mississauga and said he moved here due to personal circumstances.  Neither likes nor dislikes being in these parts, but since he is a real estate investor, finds that the real estate market is a bit strange in Orangeville.

Cindy and Margy were taking a walk together on Broadway, so naturally I wanted to know what Cindy thought about living here in Orangeville as well.
Cindy moved to Shelburne from Brampton 12 years ago.  She never felt totally at home in Shelburne, so moved into Orangeville a little later on.  She has an Autistic son and came upon Kari's Place, which she said is number 1 in her books.  She also volunteers at the Light House, where she says the people there are absolutely amazing!!!

Sharon and I hit it off from the minute we started talking.  She lives in Mulmur with her husband and 11 year old son.  She moved here from St. Catharines and feels totally blessed to be able to enjoy nature at it's fullest and most beautiful.  Claims the views out there are to die for, which I agree with her since I would like to eventually move to Mulmur.  Presently I live in Mono and I love to see the sunrises and sunsets from my home.  Back to Sharon (heehee)- she has even seen a bear out there. WOW!  Nice conversation Sharon.  I will call you with the name of the author we were discussing.

My last interview ended with Robert.  Robert is a retired professor of History.  Very dignified gentleman, he moved to Orangeville from Saskatoon 5 years ago and says he is here to stay.  When asked what brought him here, he said his beautiful daughter and grandchildren.  They are the joy of his life and is very proud of the bond he and his daughter share.  He loves living in Orangeville and says the people here are very friendly, a lot like out in Saskatoon.

If peace, beauty and tranquility are what you are looking for, Dufferin County can definitely supply these vital supplies to you and your family.  Don't hesitate to email me if you feel to need to find out more -
Tune in next week for more....
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A big, burly man visited the pastor's home and asked to see the minister's wife, a woman well known for her charitable impulses.
"Madam," he said in a broken voice, "I wish to draw your attention to the terrible plight of a poor family in this district. The father is dead, the mother is too ill to work, and the nine children are starving. They are about to be turned into the cold, empty streets unless someone pays their rent, which amounts to $400."
"How terrible!" exclaimed the preacher's wife. "May I ask who you are?"
They sympathetic visitor applied his handkerchief to his eyes. "I'm the landlord," he sobbed. 


Radha Diaram
ReMax Real Estate Centre Inc.


Thursday, 4 October 2012

7 Must-Have Items Every First-Time Buyer or First-Time Apartment Owner Needs

Most people think of the bigger necessities when moving into a new home or apartment for the first time. For example, furniture or repainting or getting along with a roommate. These are all fine and dandy, but it's usually the little things which count most of all, i.e. tools which should be close at hand when the need arises. Always be ready. Even if you don't need this list now, store it away for future reference.
1) Flashlight If the power goes, you'll be glad you have one. That's all I'll shed the light on in this case.
2) Light Bulbs Just supposing the bulb burns out in your bathroom. Ladies, how are you going to put on your make-up and get dressed in the morning? A flashlight is just not effective enough for this purpose (heehee).
3) Scissors Scissors come in quite handy very often. You can use them to cut open boxes, irritating tags off your new clothes and so many other things. Get a really good pair, rather than the cheap ones. They would cost a little more, but last for so much longer.
4) A tape measure comes in handy when you need to measure the spaces your furniture is going to be fitting into or hang up your favourite pictures and photos.
5) Screwdriver and hammer. Every home needs a toolbox. How else would you be able to hang up those pictures and assemble your furniture???
6) Sewing Kit If you are fussy like me about the way you dress and look, you don't want to be leaving home with a missing button or the hem of your dress undone. Why waste time and money on getting new clothes when you can just sew it up.
7) Calculator Whether you have access to one on your phone or computer, it it a critical piece of gadget you need around the home. How else would you know how much tip you need to give to the pizza delivery guy or how much your roommate needs to hand over to meet the monthly expenses you share? Enjoy your new place with the minimum anxieties.


Radha Diaram
ReMax Real Estate Inc.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Selling Your Home

SELLING YOUR HOME: There are a million different reasons why people sell their homes, but every seller have one thing in common: the desire to get as much money as possible from their existing residence as quickly and as hassle-free as possible. (If your home is your principal residence, you won’t have to pay capital gains tax on any profits from the sale. If, on the other hand, it is an investment property, prepare for the tax man!) Before you begin the selling process, really evaluate why you’re moving. Do you have too few rooms, or too many? Have your job moved to another city and you’re relocating? Are the neighbours driving you away? Or are you simply looking for a change? A complete analysis of your current position will get a good foundation for your next home hunt. Buy or Sell First? Buy or sell first? That’s tricky. After all, if you find a purchaser for your existing home, before you’ve found a new one, you may find yourself living out of a suitcase if convenient closing fates cannot by negotiated. On the other hand, if you find your dream home before you’ve unloaded your old one, you may be faced with carrying two mortgages for a time. So how do you manage? Easy. Do your homework and have a good idea about the neighbourhood and type of home you’re looking for. Do an honest evaluation of your family’s needs and budget. Speak to your RE/MAX agent and start your new home search as soon as your existing home hits the market. If you’ve found a home, before you’ve sold your existing one, use “sale of your existing home” as a condition on your offer. If you don’t sell your house within a fixed period of time, you can choose not to go through with the offer. This, however, is a difficult condition for many vendors to agree upon and you may find that you have to forgo your price negotiating power. Purchasing a home before you sell could be a risky strategy if you’re counting on a proceeds from the sale. If you’ve found a purchaser before you’ve found your next home, use “purchase a new home” as a condition when you sign back the agreement. Again, it will only be for a fixed time. Even if you have not found the ideal next house by the time the deal closes, you may still wish to proceed with the offer. As a buyer with a “sold house” you will be in a better position to negotiate price. Make Your House More Sellable: While we all believe that our home is our castle, our personal tastes may not appeal to everyone. Your RE/MAX agent will work with you to give you an impartial analysis of your home – how it relates to other “competing” homes on the market and how your home reflects current design and style trends. Your agent will also take a good look at the general condition and unkeep of your dwelling. Overall, your RE/MAX agent will work with you to position your home on the market so that your sales experience will take place as expeditiously as possible. Advertise Your Home on Your Local MLS® System: This service is only available to real estate agents. It is a database of all the homes for sale through agents. Details about your home will be available to other agents searching for homes in your area, in the range of your asking price. Arrange Showings: In addition to giving your home the once over with a mop and dust cloth, have your agent prepare a home feature sheet. This is a one page synopsis of your home that highlights lot size, room dimensions, features and upgrades as well as utility costs and taxes. Prospective buyers will take a sheet and refer to it while viewing your home. Plus, it makes for a great reference sheet when the buyers are comparing properties. The Open House: This is usually not a pleasant experience. This upside is that you usually won’t have to be there to act as a guide. The downside is that you might have a series of open houses over a few weeks, with people poking through all areas of your home. And you’ll have the constant pressure of keeping your home looking its best. The Viewing: When an agent has a client who is interesting in your home, they will fist call to make an appointment with you RE/MAX agent. If you’re lucky, you’ll have time for the last-minute tidying. Of course, you can say no if the prospective purchaser wishes to come at an inconvenient time. During the viewing, make sure you give the viewer and the agent a feature sheet and get the agent’s business card. Give the viewers the freedom to wander around your home by themselves. Following may make them uncomfortable. The agent will stay with the prospects to offer some protection against theft or property damagie. Contact ME: When you are ready to make that move, or need information on how to get ready, don't hesitate to call me for advice. It's my's what I love

Monday, 13 August 2012

Home Improvement Tips

HOME IMPROVEMENT TIPS: It simply makes sense to clean up both the interior and exterior of your home before listing it for sale. But that doesn’t mean you have to undertake major home renovation projects on order to sell your home. With a little effort you can increase the perceived value of your home by a great margin. Here are some simple things to keep in mind that you can do to increase the perceived value of your home and make the perfect first impression. EXTERIOR OF THE HOME: Keep lawn cut Trim hedges and bushes Weed and edge gardens Clear driveway and clean stains Clean out garage Power wash home exterior Touch up paint Paint colorful flowers AT THE FRONT DOOR: Clean porch and foyer Ensure door bell works Repair any broken screens Fresh paint or varnish front door Repair any damages to the door and/or locks SETTING THE MOOD: Make sure your home smells fresh and clean Turn on lights Turn on air conditioner/heater Open the drapes Light the fireplace MAXIMIZE OPEN SPACE: Clear halls and stairs of clutter Clear kitchen counter and stove top Clear closets of unnecessary items Remove empty boxes and storage Put away personal photos so buyers can envision the house as theirs MAINTENANCE: Repair leaking taps and toilets Clean furnace and filters Tighten door knobs and latches Repair cracked plaster Apply fresh coat of paint or touch up where necessary Clean and repair windows Repair seals around tubs and basins Replace defective light bulbs Oil squeaking doors Repair squeaking floor boards SQUEAKY CLEAN: Clean and freshen bathrooms Clean fridge and stove Clean around heating vents Clean washer and dryer Clean carpets, drapes and window blinds Eliminate pet odors and stains

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

How Much Do I Qualify For My New Home?

When buying a home, it is helpful to determine the type of home you like and how much you can afford before beginning your search. Most lenders allocate approximately 28% of your GROSS MONTHLY INCOME to housing expense. Housing expense includes principal, interest, taxes and insurance (PITI). To get an idea of how much you can afford to pay each month for a home, multiply your gross monthly income by 28%. When coupled with current outstanding loans, the total for your debt service should not exceed 36% of your gross monthly income. Some lenders may have slightly more liberal requirements or loan interest rates which may increase your purchasing power. Mortgage interest, property taxes, loan fees or "points" are currently tax deductible (up to allowable limits). Points are generally deductible in the year paid. A point equals 1% of the mortgage amount. If you are in the 28% tax bracket, this is equivalent to receiving a 28% discount on your mortgage interest and property taxes. During the first years of the mortgage your tax savings are especially high because most of your monthly payment goes toward loan interest. Have a lovely day and tune in next week for some more great info.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Thinking Of A Spring Reno?????

Monday, 6 February 2012


When winter gets gloomy, it's comforting to know that spring is just a few short months away.

Spring is revitalizing.  There are more hours of energy-giving sunshine, happy little flowers start springing to life, and lenders fight like alley cats for spring mortgage business.  (Yes, great mortgage deals can be invigorating!).

Indeed, "spring market" is prime time in the home loans business.  Some mortgage planners do over half their annual volume in the four months from March to June.

Real estate activity reflects a somewhat similar upswing.  Higher volumes make spring a prized opportunity for lenders to build market share and make progress on their revenue targets.  That can spark some sizzling rate discounts.

With spring market around the corner, someone asked the other day if lenders will start lowering rates soon.  The answer is "probably" ..... in the near term anyway.

Longer out, it's impossible to foretell what this spring will bring.  Most analysts call for relatively flat rates over the next 1 - 2 quarters, and that may be true.  But we can't kid ourselves.  The next 4-5 months are not without upside rate risk.

Among the possibilities:
The Euro-debt crisis could boil over that would potentially drive yields lower fixed mortgage rates typically move in tandem with yields, but the exception is when systemic risk makes investors demand higher returns on mortgages.  The default of a Euro-member could therefore be a net negative for mortgage rates, for at least some period of time.  The Italian 10-year bond provides a guage of European risk.  A new high in Italy's yields (e.g., a 10-year bond over 7.5%) would signal stormy weather ahead.  Europe could get a happy ending.   If the EU assured the world that its debt crisis was contained, traders would likely sell "safe" North American treasuries and buy riskier assets.  This asset rotation could drive up bond yields and, due to their linkage, fixed mortgage rates.  By contrast, variable discounts from prime, could actually improve in this scenario.  Inflation could scare the bejesus out of fixed income investors.  Traders don't need to see actual inflation, just the threat of it.  This too would let some air out of the bond bubble.  Other things being equal, yields and mortgage rates would rise as a result.  For what it's worth, analysts assign very low probabilities of inflationary pressure in the near term.  Yet another possibility is an ongoing diet of lacklustre economic performance.  That may not make for an upbeat spring, but at least it would be a plus for mortgage rates.

Whatever happens, hold your hat tight, because the 2012 spring rate market will come with surprises.

And if your mortgage is closing in the next 180 days, don't sit back to see how all the news plays out.  Cover your ass-ets with a rate hold!!!

Monday, 23 January 2012

10 Deadly Mistakes Buyers Make When Buying A Home!

1) Making an Offer on a home without being prequalified.
    This step will make your purchase easier - take the time to speak to a lender.
    Their specific questions in regard to income, debt, etc., will  help you determine the price range
    you can afford.  It is an essential step to homeownership.

2) Limiting your search to open houses, ads or the internet.
    Many homes listed in magazines or on the internet have already been sold.  Your best course
    of action is to contact a Re/Max Realtor.  They have up-to-date information that is unavailable
    to the general public and are the best resource to help you find the home you want.

3) Choosing a Real Estate Sales Representative who is not committed to forming a strong
     business relationship with you.
     Making a connection with the right Realtor is crucial.  Choose a professional who is dedicated
     to serving your needs - before, during and after the sale.

4) Thinking that there is only one perfect house out there.
     Buying a home is a process of elimination, not selection.  New properties arrive on the market daily,
     so be open to all possibilities.  Ask your Realtor for a comparative market analysis.  This compares
     similar homes that have recently sold, or are still for sale.

5) Not considering long-term needs.
    It is important to think ahead.  Will the home suit your needs 2-5 years from now?

6) Not having a home inspection.
     Trying to save money today can end up costing you tomorrow.  A qualified home inspector will detect
     issues that many buyers can overlook.

7) Not examining insurance issues.
     Advice from an insurance agent can provide you with answers to any concerns you may have.  You
     might be looking at a home with knob and tube wiring, etc.  Purchase adequate insurance.  Get a

8) Not buying mortgage insurance.
     Except in the case where you may have enough life insurance to pay off the mortgage in case of death,
     mortgage insurance is likely the best coverage.  Make sure that both spouses are covered.

9) Not knowing total costs involved.
     Ask your Realtor or Lender up-front, for an estimate of closing costs:  Land Transfer Tax; Legal Fees;
     Appraisal Fees and Canada Mortgage And Housing Corporation (CMHC) insurance cost (in the case of
     a High Ratio Mortgage).

10)Not following through on due diligence.
      Buyers should make a list of any major concerns they have regarding schools; neighbourhood;
      powerlines; environmental conditions etc.  Ask the important questions before you make an offer
      on a home.  Be diligent, so that you can have confidence in your purchase.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Market Watch - Second-Best Year on Record for Sales

January 5, 2012 - Greater Toronto REALTORS reported 4,718 transactions through the TorontoMLS system in December 2011.  The December result capped off the second-best year on record under the current Toronto Real Estate Board (TREB) boundaries.  Total sales for 2011 amounted to 89,347 - up four per cent in comparison to 2010.

"Low borrowing costs kept Buyers confident in their ability to comfortably cover their mortgage payments along with major housing costs," said TREB President Richard Silver.  "If Buyers had not been constrained by a shortage of listings over the past 12 months, we would have been flirting with a new sales record in the Greater Toronto Area," added Silver.

The average selling price in December was $451,436 - up four (4) per cent compared to December 2010.  For all of 2011, the average selling price was $465,412, an increase of eight (8) per cent in comparison to the average of $431,276 in 2010.

Months if inventory remained below the pre-recession norm in 2011.  Very tight market conditions meant substantial competition between Buyers and strong upward pressure on selling prices," said Jason Mercer, TREB's Senior Manager of Market Analysis.

TREB's baseline forecast for 2012 is for an average price of $485,000, representing a more moderate four (4) per cent annual rate of price growth.  This baseline view is subject to a heightened degree of risk given the uncertain global economic outlook," continued Mercer.

Monday, 2 January 2012


Happy New Year to Everyone.  Hope the holidays were enjoyable and that we all got an apportunity to spend with our families and friends.  Times have changed so much over the years.  I remember when  I was a teenager, my home was always full of family over the Christmas holidays.  My immediate family consisted of five siblings, their spouses, my parents and 12 nieces and nephews. 
Guess who always had to clean up and do the dishes on Christmas day?? And we had no dishwasher at the time!  Whew!! It took me over an hour to get that done. 
Looking back, I'll do it over and over again if I had to.  All in all, it was precious time spent with my family and the memories will always stay with me.  My husband and I miss those times terribly whenever we spend the holidays here in Canada.  Most of our family lives in Trinidad and so we miss out on a lot of the family gatherings and fun.  We are grateful, though, because we get to go back almost every year.  And sometimes for Christmas also. 
Let us celebrate and ring in the New Year with gratitude.  Gratitude for even the smallest gifts that we are blessed with.   Things which, if we didn't have, would make our lifes  more difficult and trying.  But most of all, let's be grateful for opening our eyes each day and being able to welcome the new day with all the beautiful opportunities it brings to us.  Time is always of the essence, and life is what we "will it to be".
Have an amazing 2012, filled with good health, happiness and prosperity.

Radha Diaram