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Monday, 18 March 2013

Designing Your Destiny

As many of you may know, I love motivating others.  I strongly believe that life is meant to be shared and enjoyed with those you love and for me, I learn something new from everyone I meet, therefore, I feel happy to also let those I come across learn something from me.

Many of us go through life satisfied with just being ordinary.  I'm not putting down ordinary, but so many of us do not realize that we have the potential to be extraordinary.  We have the ability to hold destiny in our own hands and create for ourselves what we strongly desire to have in our lives.

What keeps us back??  Fear!!

It's the fear of not being successful, or not believing in ourselves which keep us from achieving the things we seek.   The fear of not having enough love, money, health, happiness or whatever you desire.  Instead of going with the natural flow of the Universe, we go against it.  We fight the very goodness that is in front of us.  If only we would calm ourselves and let the Universe take us on our natural journey, then we will start to understand that we are getting closer to what our hearts desire.  Only then, we can start choosing which avenues to take and which to leave behind.

When we understand that we can design our own future, then we stop fighting and leave everything up to the Universe.  Silence is a very powerful thing.  Start spending time with yourself.  Develop this as part of your daily routine.  Sit every day and relax your body and mind and you will realize that pretty soon you will start connecting with the Universe on an entirely different level.  As time goes by you will see that your wisdom and insight start expanding and you discover new ways and means to realize your dreams. 

Speak to the Universe and ask for what you want.  Then believe that He will bring it to you and just get ready to receive it.  As sure as the sun rises each day and sets, your dreams will start coming true.  Miracles happen every day.  You just have to believe.  Start living your life as though your already have achieved everything you desire and you will be amazed by the outcome.  Feel the joy of already having it and everyday will be a miraculous one.

Love your life and be grateful for everything you have been blessed with.  Forget what dissatisfaction means.  Just enjoy every moment to its fullest.  Wake up every day with the enthusiasm of discovering the miracles of living and miracles will start coming to you. 

Start feeling the joys of just being alive and well and greater joy and happiness will start coming your way. 

So......Start Designing Your Own Destiny!!!  It will blow you greater love....greater happiness....greater harmony.


Radha Diaram (Sales Representative)
Re/Max Real Estate Centre Inc.
115 First Street
Orangeville  ON L9W 3J8
Office: 800-461-2686

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